Feature Rich DayZ Killfeed Bot


Packed to the brim with features!

Shows shot position, damage done with the last shot, the weapon and bullet used.

Alive time also calculated from the last death of the victim. Lets you see who kills freshspawns and even enable banning on spawn kills.

Build Log

A log of any placement, folding, packing and dismember happening on the map.

Includes a clickable location that you can turn on and off easily!

Zone Detection

Setup custom zones across your server to detect intruders and kills.

Easier way to add Safe Zones or Trading Zones, where the bot can just auto ban or auto unwhitelist them on a kill inside.

Make zones for factions so they know who enters. And ignores the factions members.

Command Explanations

Every command has explanations on how to use it, what it does and where you can find the information needed to run it.

In the end if you still need help, we pride ourselves in our support.

Fully Fledged Bounty System

Automatic bounty payouts.

Easily define a channel to add bounties. Set a minimum to add a bounty.

If needed a bounty tracking channel can be added, to show where current bounty targets are. Easily define so only high value targets are shown.

Control Panel

Control panel with all settings and functions you might need for your server.

Easily accessible thru our website at the Login page.